upgrade 4.5.2 alpha -> 4.6.8 - Artikel im backend weg

Beiträge: 217
Registriert: Sa 2. Nov 2002, 09:57

upgrade 4.5.2 alpha -> 4.6.8 - Artikel im backend weg

Beitrag von pulk » Di 25. Apr 2006, 09:11

nachdem ich mal in einer testumgebung ein testupgrade gemacht hab, und dort im endeffekt alles geklappt hat, hab ich nun das livesystem auf 4.6.8 aktualisiert.

neue daten drüber kopiert, setup/update script ausgeführt (keine fehler), funktioniert soweit auch alles. frontend passt.

im backend wird zwar der kategorie baum angezeigt, und die ganzen kategorien, doch klickt man auf eine, kommt nur "No articles found" (so wie auch hier beschrieben: http://contenido.org/forum/viewtopic.ph ... cles+found)

config is bei mir so:
$cfg["nolock"] = true;
$cfg["is_start_compatible"] = false;

im errorlog steht folgendes:

Code: Alles auswählen

tle AS title,
                            c.idcat AS idcat,
                            c.idcatart AS idcatart,
                            a.idtplcfg AS idtplcfg,
                            a.published AS published,
                            a.online AS online,
                            a.created AS created,
                            a.lastmodified AS lastmodified,
                            a.timemgmt AS timemgmt,
                            a.datestart AS datestart,
                            a.dateend AS dateend,
        					a.artsort AS artsort,
        					a.locked AS locked
                            con_art_lang AS a,
                            con_art AS b,
                            con_cat_art AS c
                            (a.idlang    = '1' OR
    						 a.idlang    = '0') AND
                            a.idart     = b.idart AND
                            b.idclient  = '1' AND
                            b.idart     = c.idart AND
                            c.idcat     = '155'
[25-Apr-2006 09:46:05] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=155&idtpl=1&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:47:01] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=249 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'fieldname' in 'field list'
SELECT idmetatype, metatype, fieldtype, maxlength, fieldname
					FROM con_meta_type
[25-Apr-2006 09:47:01] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=249 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:48:53] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=27 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'fieldname' in 'field list'
SELECT idmetatype, metatype, fieldtype, maxlength, fieldname
					FROM con_meta_type
[25-Apr-2006 09:48:53] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=27 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:49:03] /cms/front_content.php?idart=310 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'fieldname' in 'field list'
SELECT idmetatype, metatype, fieldtype, maxlength, fieldname
					FROM con_meta_type
[25-Apr-2006 09:49:03] /cms/front_content.php?idart=310 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:41] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:48] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=12&idtpl=14&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'a.published' in 'field list'
                            a.idart AS idart,
    						a.idlang AS idlang,
                            a.idartlang AS idartlang,
                            a.title AS title,
                            c.idcat AS idcat,
                            c.idcatart AS idcatart,
                            a.idtplcfg AS idtplcfg,
                            a.published AS published,
                            a.online AS online,
                            a.created AS created,
                            a.lastmodified AS lastmodified,
                            a.timemgmt AS timemgmt,
                            a.datestart AS datestart,
                            a.dateend AS dateend,
        					a.artsort AS artsort,
        					a.locked AS locked
                            con_art_lang AS a,
                            con_art AS b,
                            con_cat_art AS c
                            (a.idlang    = '1' OR
    						 a.idlang    = '0') AND
                            a.idart     = b.idart AND
                            b.idclient  = '1' AND
                            b.idart     = c.idart AND
                            c.idcat     = '12' ORDER BY a.title ASC
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:48] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=12&idtpl=14&contenido=01b869ece3afd7e817b8ac096b6c90bd next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:57] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=276&idtpl=1&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'a.published' in 'field list'
                            a.idart AS idart,
    						a.idlang AS idlang,
                            a.idartlang AS idartlang,
                            a.title AS title,
                            c.idcat AS idcat,
                            c.idcatart AS idcatart,
                            a.idtplcfg AS idtplcfg,
                            a.published AS published,
                            a.online AS online,
                            a.created AS created,
                            a.lastmodified AS lastmodified,
                            a.timemgmt AS timemgmt,
                            a.datestart AS datestart,
                            a.dateend AS dateend,
        					a.artsort AS artsort,
        					a.locked AS locked
                            con_art_lang AS a,
                            con_art AS b,
                            con_cat_art AS c
                            (a.idlang    = '1' OR
    						 a.idlang    = '0') AND
                            a.idart     = b.idart AND
                            b.idclient  = '1' AND
                            b.idart     = c.idart AND
                            c.idcat     = '276'
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:57] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=276&idtpl=1&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:59] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=75&idtpl=1&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'a.published' in 'field list'
                            a.idart AS idart,
    						a.idlang AS idlang,
                            a.idartlang AS idartlang,
                            a.title AS title,
                            c.idcat AS idcat,
                            c.idcatart AS idcatart,
                            a.idtplcfg AS idtplcfg,
                            a.published AS published,
                            a.online AS online,
                            a.created AS created,
                            a.lastmodified AS lastmodified,
                            a.timemgmt AS timemgmt,
                            a.datestart AS datestart,
                            a.dateend AS dateend,
        					a.artsort AS artsort,
        					a.locked AS locked
                            con_art_lang AS a,
                            con_art AS b,
                            con_cat_art AS c
                            (a.idlang    = '1' OR
    						 a.idlang    = '0') AND
                            a.idart     = b.idart AND
                            b.idclient  = '1' AND
                            b.idart     = c.idart AND
                            c.idcat     = '75'
[25-Apr-2006 09:50:59] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=75&idtpl=1&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:54:42] /cms/front_content.php?idcatart=780&lang=1&client=1 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'fieldname' in 'field list'
SELECT idmetatype, metatype, fieldtype, maxlength, fieldname
					FROM con_meta_type
[25-Apr-2006 09:54:42] /cms/front_content.php?idcatart=780&lang=1&client=1 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:57:44] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=243 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'fieldname' in 'field list'
SELECT idmetatype, metatype, fieldtype, maxlength, fieldname
					FROM con_meta_type
[25-Apr-2006 09:57:44] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=243 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:57:58] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=24 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'fieldname' in 'field list'
SELECT idmetatype, metatype, fieldtype, maxlength, fieldname
					FROM con_meta_type
[25-Apr-2006 09:57:58] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=24 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'direction' in 'field list'
SELECT direction FROM con_lang WHERE idlang='1'
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:07] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:11] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=138&idtpl=1&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'a.published' in 'field list'
                            a.idart AS idart,
    						a.idlang AS idlang,
                            a.idartlang AS idartlang,
                            a.title AS title,
                            c.idcat AS idcat,
                            c.idcatart AS idcatart,
                            a.idtplcfg AS idtplcfg,
                            a.published AS published,
                            a.online AS online,
                            a.created AS created,
                            a.lastmodified AS lastmodified,
                            a.timemgmt AS timemgmt,
                            a.datestart AS datestart,
                            a.dateend AS dateend,
        					a.artsort AS artsort,
        					a.locked AS locked
                            con_art_lang AS a,
                            con_art AS b,
                            con_cat_art AS c
                            (a.idlang    = '1' OR
    						 a.idlang    = '0') AND
                            a.idart     = b.idart AND
                            b.idclient  = '1' AND
                            b.idart     = c.idart AND
                            c.idcat     = '138'
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:11] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=138&idtpl=1&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:14] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=108&idtpl=1&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'a.published' in 'field list'
                            a.idart AS idart,
    						a.idlang AS idlang,
                            a.idartlang AS idartlang,
                            a.title AS title,
                            c.idcat AS idcat,
                            c.idcatart AS idcatart,
                            a.idtplcfg AS idtplcfg,
                            a.published AS published,
                            a.online AS online,
                            a.created AS created,
                            a.lastmodified AS lastmodified,
                            a.timemgmt AS timemgmt,
                            a.datestart AS datestart,
                            a.dateend AS dateend,
        					a.artsort AS artsort,
        					a.locked AS locked
                            con_art_lang AS a,
                            con_art AS b,
                            con_cat_art AS c
                            (a.idlang    = '1' OR
    						 a.idlang    = '0') AND
                            a.idart     = b.idart AND
                            b.idclient  = '1' AND
                            b.idart     = c.idart AND
                            c.idcat     = '108'
[25-Apr-2006 09:58:14] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=4&idcat=108&idtpl=1&contenido=fdf8ba32c2eff25dfee8aab027e62525 next_record called with no query pending.
[25-Apr-2006 10:00:03] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=113 MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'fieldname' in 'field list'
SELECT idmetatype, metatype, fieldtype, maxlength, fieldname
					FROM con_meta_type
[25-Apr-2006 10:00:03] /cms/front_content.php?idcat=113 next_record called with no query pending.
er findet einige columns nicht, hat da was mit dem datenbank upgrade nicht funktioniert?

Beiträge: 6935
Registriert: Do 22. Mai 2003, 12:44
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitrag von HerrB » Di 25. Apr 2006, 10:05

Yep. Nochmal das Setup ausführen (Upgrade).

Welche C-Version hast Du genau genommen (V4.6.8 oder V4.6.8.3/4)?

Bitte keine unaufgeforderten PMs oder E-Mails -> use da Forum!

Newsletter: V4.4.x | V4.6.0-15 (Module, Backend) | V4.6.22+
Standardartikelliste: V4.4.x | V4.6.x
http://www.contenido.org/forum/search.php | http://faq.contenido.org | http://www.communido.net

Beiträge: 217
Registriert: Sa 2. Nov 2002, 09:57

Beitrag von pulk » Di 25. Apr 2006, 10:18

HerrB hat geschrieben:Yep. Nochmal das Setup ausführen (Upgrade).

Welche C-Version hast Du genau genommen (V4.6.8 oder V4.6.8.3/4)?

es war die contenido-4.6.8.zip von der contenido.org website.

hat jetzt nach nochmaligen ausführen des setup geklappt. danke!

was mir noch aufgefallen ist, beim setup kam die fehlermeldung das die datei "contenido/cronjobs/pseudo-cron.log" nicht gefunden werden konnte. die ist auch tatsächlich nicht oben, aber auch nicht im contenido paket enthalten. wird die erst nach einem ausgeführten cronjob angelegt?

Beiträge: 6935
Registriert: Do 22. Mai 2003, 12:44
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitrag von HerrB » Di 25. Apr 2006, 10:22

Ja. Ggf. nochmal die Verzeichnis- und Dateiberechtigungen prüfen (Schreibberechtigung muss gesetzt sein).

Bitte keine unaufgeforderten PMs oder E-Mails -> use da Forum!

Newsletter: V4.4.x | V4.6.0-15 (Module, Backend) | V4.6.22+
Standardartikelliste: V4.4.x | V4.6.x
http://www.contenido.org/forum/search.php | http://faq.contenido.org | http://www.communido.net

Beiträge: 217
Registriert: Sa 2. Nov 2002, 09:57

Beitrag von pulk » Di 25. Apr 2006, 10:24

HerrB hat geschrieben:Ja. Ggf. nochmal die Verzeichnis- und Dateiberechtigungen prüfen (Schreibberechtigung muss gesetzt sein).

ok, danke.
